America’s Cup Challenger Trials – The 6 min Review – 12-9-24

22 thoughts on “America’s Cup Challenger Trials – The 6 min Review – 12-9-24

  1. IMO foiling and matchracing are not very exciting to watch. I miss boat and sail handling. I miss boats being in the water instead of above.
    Maybe I am just old.. but Americas Cup in Australia was amazing ✌️

  2. Matt, first time I saw your commentary I did not like it, as it was just the races I wanted to see. You have grown on me and now I look forward to your commentary as it has shown to be spot on! Thanks from a fellow Britt. C'mon Ben!

  3. Matt what still amazes me is that people like you have forgotten about the difference between NZL 92 and NZL 95. Who is to say that the older Ineous is not faster than the later Ineous? Newer doesn't make better

  4. I think Ineos have designed a boat for higher winds and difficult sea state – they did a similar thing in Auckland and were fast when the conditions suited but slow when it was light. The difference is this time they've managed to get speed in light conditions as well as demonstrate good pace when it gets choppy. Remember also they missed-out on some wins due to unforced errors, some of which were down to software issues. In fact, one area that the Kiwis have a major advantage is software – they're supplying it and they know how to set it up and tweak it.

  5. Thanks for the updates 😃 I think American Magic have got it wrong with their cyclors. They just went too far out of the box. Both mentally and physically for the cyclists as in facing the wrong and being in a recumbent position. I know that it shouldn't matter but that's another layer added to their mental game. I think you just feel more part of the action if you can see something in the direction you are wanting to go. Performance wise we are seeing it in front of our eyes. Their gains in aerodynamics maybe cancelled out in pushing the boat out too far. 🚵🚴‍♂🚴‍♀🚴

  6. I'm sure those recumbent cyclist on AM are efficient for aero and steady power but I can't see how they can generate as much peak power during the transitions. The ability to stand on your pedals when really going for it can't be underestimated for more watts in short bursts. Time will tell but I think its a bit of a technological cul-de-sac.

  7. As an American who was in Newport for several America’s Cup series, including the Australian win in 1983, I’d love to see the British boat win it this time! 😎 But yes, I’ll be rooting for American Magic…. 🫣

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