Oliver Hayes, a seasoned sailor and marine journalist from Southampton, has a profound love for the sea that has shaped his career. Holding a degree in Marine Journalism from the University of Portsmouth, Oliver is celebrated for his compelling and insightful storytelling. His work vividly captures the excitement of sailing and the rich maritime heritage of the United Kingdom, making him a respected figure in the sailing community. When not writing, Oliver enjoys exploring the British Isles' diverse coastlines and participating in local regattas, always on the lookout for his next nautical adventure.

Solar Boating: Exploring the Proven Viability of Renewable Energy on Water

Solar boating uniquely blends the comforts of powerboating and the adventurous spirit of sailing, particularly when the wind is favorable. While powerboats often focus on speed, solar boats operate at


Solar Boating: Exploring the Proven Viability of Renewable Energy on Water

Solar boating uniquely combines aspects of powerboating and sailing, but it bears a stronger resemblance to sailing, particularly when there’s wind. Much like powerboating, solar boats offer comfort and ease


Revolutionary Burnham Racing Yacht Returns to Harbor

Pioneering Burnham Racing Yacht Returns: The Prototype Wooden Version of the Fibreglass Squib A remarkable racing yacht that significantly contributed to Burnham’s reputation in the sailing community has recently made
