The impact of climate change on sailing and maritime activities, and the measures being taken.

Protect These Locations to Prevent Climate Catastrophe

In a recent study by Conservation International scientists, it was found that there are certain places on Earth that we cannot afford to destroy if we want to prevent climate


Climate Change Threatens Sea Turtle Sanctuary in the Philippines

In the Philippines, fishermen and green sea turtles coexist on a small island, showcasing a successful balance between conservation and livelihoods. The endangered green sea turtle was once hunted, but


Who suffers most as the climate crisis intensifies?

Torrential floods in Kenya have resulted in the tragic loss of nearly 200 lives and displaced hundreds of thousands of people since March. This devastating event comes after a prolonged


The Decline of Nature Leading to an Increase in Diseases

Environmental degradation is leading to a rise in infectious diseases that threaten both human and wildlife populations worldwide. A recent analysis of disease data highlighted how factors such as biodiversity


How Climate Change Impacts Soil’s Vital Organisms

It’s easy to overlook the bustling activity that happens beneath our feet in the soil. Thousands of mites and springtails play a crucial role in moving carbon into the soil,


Is This Still the Oldest Tree in the World?

In eastern California, stands a remarkable Great Basin bristlecone pine named Methuselah, believed to be the oldest living thing on Earth at 4,853 years old, predating the construction of the


The Importance of Indigenous Peoples in Combating Climate Change

Brutal heat waves swept through the Southern Hemisphere earlier this year, and now the Northern Hemisphere is facing a long, hot summer. A “heat dome” is expected to cover much


Pathogens on the Move as the Planet Warms

Half of the world’s population resides in regions where dengue fever is a prevalent threat. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently alerted healthcare professionals about the


Unique Desert Preservation: Where Tradition Meets Innovation

The vast grasslands of sub-Saharan Africa are both beautiful and at risk. In a new series called “Saving the Savanna,” we explore how communities are working to protect these important


Reforestation Costs Lower Than Expected

Restoring forests is crucial for mitigating climate change, but it can be costly and there are different approaches to achieve it. A recent study, published in Nature Climate Change, compares
