Day 1 Louis Vuitton Semi Finals – The Next Phase – America’s Cup – 14-9-24

27 thoughts on “Day 1 Louis Vuitton Semi Finals – The Next Phase – America’s Cup – 14-9-24

  1. Absolutely LOVE this Americas cup expose.
    Watch the race , then wait for a very mature , intelligent, insight into the thinking off the teams. Great Gems off information dug out. Addicted for more.

  2. I don't know why everybody isn't talking more about the cyclors & the oil/power availability on American Magic. I think that the sail size is something of a red herring–noted not a bit by any of the commentators. Sure LRPP looked a click faster, but the Americans had a lead that they could have protected, if they could have only executed their manoeuvres. It seems the whole team has rallied around defending (denying) their achilles' heel, which is natural enough–so they'll talk about anything but oil/power–but that shouldn't keep us from talking about it. Talk about a fatal design flaw….

  3. Hey matt just wanted to say you’re doing a great job with your coverage and I especially notice your skill in interviewing. It really stands out that you’re able to get past the typical trained answers we’re used to hearing from teams and really get deep and sometimes personal answers out of people we wouldn’t expect to have such candor.

  4. I am livid. Had the wrong sails up. We thought the wind would come up. If you look over and your competition has a larger jib and main you FREAKING PUT UP THE LARGER SAILS. What the hell is going on with this organization? Unforced errors. Just go home.

  5. OMG! We had the wrong sails up? Why did you not just match what LR had up? You guys are pathetic. Going home after Sunday and good ridden. Can't believe NYYC is at all happy with you guys. JV squad.

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