First Ever Le Defi Paprec Invites Global Racers to Compete

First Ever Le Defi Paprec Appeals to International Racers

25 August 2024

55th La Solitaire du Figaro Paprec © Alexis Courcoux

The 55th La Solitaire du Figaro Paprec kicks off in Le Havre tomorrow, marking the historic start of the first-ever Le Défi Paprec. This exciting initiative provides amateurs and aspiring sailors the opportunity to race one complete stage of the event in a double-handed format, granting them valuable experience and insights into participating in the full three-stage solo race.

The response has been encouraging, with eight duos ready to tackle the challenging 604 nautical mile leg from Le Havre to Wolf Rock and across the Bay of Biscay to Gijon in northern Spain, among which three pairs hail from outside France.

From Great Britain, young Ellie Driver races on Chilli Pepper alongside David Paul, who has extensive experience including three previous La Solitaire participations. Ellie, who ventured into offshore racing just four years ago, has already made significant strides, racing thousands of miles double-handed with her father. Her impressive achievements include winning the European Double-Handed Worlds and finishing as the runner-up in the Double-Handed World Championships. Despite being a late substitute, Ellie is keen to gain experience through this event.

The American-Spanish duo, Catherine Chimney and Aina Bauza Roig, both have significant offshore racing backgrounds but are new to sailing together. Chimney, originally from New York and now primarily based in Newport, RI, comes from a sailing family and has raced offshore in various countries. Bauza, from Palma, Mallorca, has a strong sailing pedigree, including participation in the Spanish national team and record-setting achievements in Mini sailing.

Carlota Alonso Alexander and Jeronimo Cervantes Belausteguigoita represent Mexico as the first team from their country to compete in the Figaro 3 circuit in Europe. Friends for years, they decided to team up for the Défi Paprec after Carlota’s move to France to pursue offshore racing.

Ellie Driver’s Ambitions

Driver, 22, recently graduated in Maritime Engineering, sees this event as a stepping stone towards her long-term goal of competing in the Vendée Globe. She reflects, “I’ve wanted to participate in La Solitaire and the Figaro circuit for a couple of years. I began offshore sailing in 2021, and I aim to fully engage with the Figaro class this year while preparing for the Solitaire next year.”

She further expresses her dreams, stating, “The Vendée Globe is my ultimate aim. I want to inspire young girls to pursue sailing and get involved in STEM subjects. My navigation has improved, and I enjoy learning about weather patterns and how to utilize them effectively.”

Viva Mexico

Carlota Alonso Alexander’s recent internship at The Ocean Race has intensified her desire to race again. She shares, “My co-skipper Jero taught me to sail 49ers. We’ve sailed different boats and kept in touch about the Figaro circuit. It’s a significant opportunity for us, and we hope to inspire young Mexican sailors.”

Carlota believes their complementary skills will contribute to their team success, highlighting, “He understands navigation and larger boats, while I have experience with the Figaro’s performance.”

USA and Spain Unite

Catherine Chimney, who has recently focused on Class40 racing, views this race as a pivotal step in her sailing journey. With supportive sponsorship from her employer, she appreciates the double-handed format, expressing, “I don’t see myself going solo; for now, I favor crewed racing but being part of a collective journey is appealing.”

Chimney and Bauza form the only all-female partnership in the race, presenting a unique dynamic that could lead to strong performance despite their recent acquaintance. Bauza, who has lived in France for several years, sees this opportunity as a bridge between her Mini sailing projects and her goal of rising in the Figaro class.

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