How Shipping Containers Control Global Trade

33 thoughts on “How Shipping Containers Control Global Trade

  1. If companies are unwilling to haul containers full both ways then ban them from unloading privileges. If you want these companies to change their behaviour there needs to be a consequence to force them to comply.

  2. The port in Vietnam seems flooded. Sea level is raising and threatens the ports. Climate change causes sea-level rise, heatwaves and superstorms, and we could avoid it if the number of objects manufactured iin the world were reduced.

  3. You say "control global trade" as though something nefarious were going on. Shipping containers facilitate global trade. They make global trade possible at the scale it's required. Have you never seen a video from the 50s or early 60s when barrels, boxes and sacks were manually loaded onto and offloaded from ships? It's hard to believe this was produced by CCNBC.

  4. you missed a bit here, the docks are optimized to operate as efficiently as possible, the problem lies in the lack of truck drivers and trucks, and that companies refuse to accept the container ex target, the truck drivers have to wait far beyond the time required by law and there is a lot of documentation on this,

  5. Soon not required localization is dead and is an environmental catastrophe
    The US is currently spending two trillion $ in reshoring many of these companies and the result will be a catastrophe for many third world country economies once Trump is elected he will make the US self sufficient in many aspects

  6. This was a complete waste of time to watch.. shipping in America is so expensive because of regulation like the Jones act, the labor unions at the ports of America.. they only work 9 to 5:00 Monday to Friday compared to the rest of the world.. there are so many inefficiencies built-in on purpose because of unions.

  7. It's interesting to see so many news clips with Maersk containers being used as barricades at the U.S. / Mexico border. Brilliant advertising; although I'm shocked that the Dems haven't threatened fining Maersk for not removing them !?

  8. Capitalism and the desire to want higher remuneration along with ever cheaper goods has priced the manufacture of many of these imports which once were made locally, out of the market. China is responsible for the manufacture of the majority of sea containers and just about everything that's imported inside them. Puts your economy in a precarious position being so reliant when there's disruption to the supply chain.

  9. By controlling shipping container manufacture, they can undercut/influence global trade through pricing, sale volume and manufacture to market timing. They can essentially control the export sector, the question for each country would be; of how much value are our exports to china? I can’t see that import control reduction would be effective leverage against chinas economy, especially as imports are usually required and chosen for their cost effectiveness. The logical option would be to levy an import tax against china if they artificially control shipping container production.

  10. Sen.McCollum is it wife daughter of container magnate…Samantha's cousin dies in car plunging into lake..then several minute staring into the void..I'm bac then bridge collision…justca thought.

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