Louis Vuitton Cup Semi-Final Race 5 | Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli vs. NYYC American Magic | Full Replay

35 thoughts on “Louis Vuitton Cup Semi-Final Race 5 | Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli vs. NYYC American Magic | Full Replay

  1. " Tu Gloria Colabufalo❤21/04/1980 sei Luna Rossa❤, sei il vento, sei il mare, sei il cielo, sei la terra, sei la vela, sei la barca, sei il timoniere, sei lo staff, sei la competizione, sei la scelta, sei il sacrificio, sei la vittoria dell'amore in tutto & per tutto, nei miei occhi, nel mio cuore, nella mia mente!
    Sì oggi, domani, sempre, ovunque comunque solo & soltanto in me & con me Tu Gloria Colabufalo❤21/04/1980 ". [ Giulio Diani ]

  2. Problem with AM AC75 is the recumbent bikes in the fitness industry we call those bikes a lazy mans Cardio bike you can’t put your full weight/ Power seated In a recumbent bike / so if you were to put a recumbent bike and cyclist side by side on the road cyclist would win by a mile , so putting recumbent bikes in a there AC75 is letting them down big over look by the design team for AM

  3. What is going on with the labels??? This is labeled race 5 and it's race 3. We've seen race 3 results 3 or 4 times now. They keep labeling things race 5, 6, 7, and 8. I have not been able to really see anything from those races. The editing of what they do show is very poor. Right when something exciting is happening, the cut to a different clip. We are really grateful that this coverage is available, but they could do a lot better. I remember the days, pre-computer, when we had to hope our newspaper would publish something about the races. And if we could get any tv coverage, it would be the middle of the night, so we are grateful for this coverage.

  4. Absolutely incredible boats / planes. The corporate / private wealth to pay for this is mind numbing. I almost feel a fraud for watching it. Given that i'm very much apposed to the stakeholder capitalism one world govt scam being forced onto those of us in the western world. I feel many of the corporations / private wealth funding this whole enterprise are very much involved in this very thing.

  5. Could we please see more stats on screen, esp VMG and cyclor power? I know these boats have tons of sensors but I rarely see anything other than boat speed lead distance.

  6. Too many people talking at the same time. Why do the Italians speak English ? Of course the American boat is second because it sails more distance. I don’t understand why they don’t sail in a straight shorter line. They make turns when there is nothing to avoid. I don’t understand

  7. Thanks for putting the results in the thumbnails, no need to watch it now. Between the 3 videos you have saved 1½hrs of my life 😂. However, if you were running the social media for my company, you would be fired with immediate effect.

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