Luna Rossa Secures a Win and Faces a Setback

Louis Vuitton Cup Day 7: Mixed Outcomes for Luna Rossa

Luna Rossa maintained its position at the top of the standings after a day of mixed results in the Louis Vuitton Cup. With one race remaining, the team secured a victory against the Americans while facing a defeat against the British team.

The racecourse presented significant challenges for all teams participating in the Round Robins. Competitors had to navigate choppy waves, gusty winds, and debris in the water, requiring keen focus from helmsmen and trimmers. The cyclors worked diligently to keep the boats in optimal foiling trim.

Francesco "Checco" Bruni expressed satisfaction following the match against NYYC American Magic, noting the team’s effective tactical and strategic decisions. The crew performed admirably, especially under challenging conditions.

MATCH #22 – USA vs ITA

Beginning windward of NYYC American Magic, Luna Rossa quickly tacked and headed to the right side of the course. The two boats engaged in a tight and exciting match race characterized by frequent crossings and shifting leadership, maintaining close distances and speeds.

The choppy sea and inconsistent winds required intense crew coordination to preserve proper foiling trim. After rounding the first gate with a 14-second lead, Luna Rossa managed to maintain this advantage through subsequent marks, gradually extending their gap. In the final leg, the Italian team widened the distance, ultimately crossing the finish line with a 20-second lead over the USA.

Winner: ITA (+1)

MATCH #25 – ITA vs GBR

In the second matchup, held in winds exceeding 16 knots, Luna Rossa launched windward of the British team. However, INEOS Britannia quickly gained momentum during the first upwind leg, showcasing impressive speed in the given conditions.

Despite Luna Rossa’s persistent efforts to narrow the gap and capitalize on any mistakes from the GBR crew, the British team successfully defended their lead throughout the race, culminating in a finish well ahead of the Italians.

Luna Rossa’s lineup featured Jimmy Spithill and Francesco Bruni at the helm, with Umberto Molineris and Andrea Tesei as trimmers. Cyclors included Bruno Rosetti, Cesare Gabbia, and Nicholas Brezzi during both races, while Luca Kirwan alternated with Emanuele Liuzzi.


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