Maritime expert reacts to ship hitting Baltimore bridge, causing collapse

28 thoughts on “Maritime expert reacts to ship hitting Baltimore bridge, causing collapse

  1. Don't worry! Joe already said the federal government would cover the entire bill for repair! With taxpayer money of course…and to the families of the deceased, don't be upset, because Joe knows exactly how you feel! He lost a son!

  2. Ребята у вас там и с ЖД не все ОК.Может быть разберетесь со своими проблемами?😮😮😮И не будете лезть в чужой монастырь с со своим уставом. Семьям погибших соболезнования примите.

  3. If people knew how close we came to bridges everyday they’d find another route…
    They dropped anchor but it’s soft bottom in that area and the size of that vessel with the speed there was no way it would grab. As it didn’t

  4. Let me guess, Fox News, OAN, Network One, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Jim Jordan already have a conspiracy theory about the Baltimore bridge collapse blaming it on the CIA covert operation under the direction of the President of France and King Charles and the Ukrainians through President Biden. It had to do with those "Jewish Space Lasers" setting the ship on fire prior to the crash with MTG's approval. 🤣🤣😵‍💫

  5. A maintenance engineer and a tannoy are all part of protocol adhered to. Rationalising the numerator and the denominator to 0 or inertia employing a couple of complex numbers (Argand, Heaviside, Newton) steps into a null hypothesis degree of stress.

  6. I am not being judgmental but my practical experience being a marine engineer: The US and European state regulations forces ships to use gas oil(MGO)within 200Nautical miles from the nearest lands. When the gas oil is used there will be a pressure drop in the oil system . There is no remedy for that. The generators load changes should be gradually increased or decreased. But I seriously think in case of MV DALI there was a huge load surge when the ship was closing in the bridge. Because of the bow thrusters. This can cause pressure drop in the fuel system for Generators and the engine will starve for fuel. Causing blackout and without main power disaster followed. Too many things can go wrong. Ship crew not entirely at fault.

  7. In Westport Malaysia, for places like this, there is always a Tug Boat to guide the cargo ship slowly entered port and slowly exit port, no matter how experience the pilot is. The port authority scales back is the problem of preventive measure.

  8. I had some experience with power boats some years ago. One fact is that you cannot steer a single prop boat when you are backing down for the simple reason that there is NO propeller wash against the rudder. Prop wash against the rudder IS what steers a single prop boat (and generally ALL power boats). Reversing does NOT, indeed cannot, steer, instead, it pushes the stern in one direction or the other depending on its rotation, right or left. The only way to STEER is prop wash against the rudder and that requires going AHEAD. The action by whoever decided to back down instead of to power AHEAD and steer, certainly must amount to negligence, if not incompetence, and that, imho, is what led to this disaster.

  9. When is the US going to require Tug's standing by when a major ship is going under a major US bridge? Its time for a CHANGE. The Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Florida, and now this bridge, when is there enough death and destruction to make changes to the way we allow ships to pass under our bridge's? Lets pull our head out people.

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