The Ultimate Challenge for Shore Teams in IMOCA Approaches: The Quest for Excellence intensifies

Reliability is crucial for shore teams in the IMOCA class as they prepare for the upcoming Vendée Globe, considered the ultimate test in world sailing. The solo round-the-world race challenges not only the sailors but also their support teams in ensuring the boats are fully prepared for the grueling journey.

In the lead-up to the race, teams focus on ensuring the boats are reliable, meaning all components are durable and able to withstand the harsh conditions of an unassisted global circumnavigation. This includes everything from the structure of the boat to its rigging, systems, and electronics.

Two individuals, Simone Gaeta and Vittoria Ripa Di Meana, share their perspectives on preparing for the Vendée Globe. Gaeta, with Teamwork-Team SNEF, emphasizes finding simple solutions and perfecting the boat’s configuration well in advance. On the other hand, Ripa Di Meana, part of Sam Davies’s team on Initiatives-Coeur, prioritizes simplicity and reliability, focusing on ensuring components can withstand the wear and tear of the race.

Both Gaeta and Ripa Di Meana highlight the importance of selecting the right spares for the journey, prioritizing backups for essential components that are most likely to fail. They also emphasize the need for skippers to be familiar with onboard repairs and procedures to handle any unexpected issues during the race.

As the Vendée Globe approaches, the stress for shore teams mounts, knowing that their preparations will be put to the test once the race begins. Despite the uncertainties, both Gaeta and Ripa Di Meana remain confident in their teams’ work and look forward to supporting their skippers throughout the challenging race.


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