What The Ship (Ep108) | Maritime Supply Chain | Red Sea | Reliability Drops | Shipbuilding | Updates

31 thoughts on “What The Ship (Ep108) | Maritime Supply Chain | Red Sea | Reliability Drops | Shipbuilding | Updates

  1. Increasing profit/raising charges requires "justification" to grease customer acceptance regardless of actual cost increases. The Houthi/press/et al supply justification, that is their trade. Knowledge of that puts world socioeconomic politics in a different light than first appearances dictate!

  2. I love your channel, reciting lists of numbers is hard to fathom, maybe just use one or two significant figures, also put in context you know, sometimes saying now we're getting to where these people made half as much as the people I previously mentioned, just reciting strings of numbers is very difficult to place in context on the fly.

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